ServoGear Planetary gearbox

Hollow Rotary Actuator
060 LGT 5, 10
085 LGT 5, 10, 18
110 LGT 5, 10
130 LGT 10, 18
170 LGT 10
200 LGT 10, 18
280 LGT 10, 18
370 LGT 10
450 LGT 10
680 LGT 10
1. The above models are suitable for all kinds of servo motors and stepper motors
2. Non-standard products shall be priced separately according to thesituation
3. The avove prices are P2 precision by default, Please explain in advance if higher accuracy is required
4. Based on the RMB price reference, if the exchange rate fluctuates by more than 5% our company will promptly adjust the price
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