ifm Safety controllers

Industrial communication

ifm Safety controllers

  • Safe inputs and outputs
  • Layered safety concept, extended monitoring and test routines
  • Performance configurable in case of a fault
  • Quick boot-up and short fault detection time
  • High-performance CAN interface for various communication tasks

ifm Safety controllers for mobile machines
ifm AS-i gateways with fail-safe PLC

ifm Safety controllers for mobile machines

image Safety controllers for mobile machines
  • Safe inputs and outputs
  • Layered safety concept, extended monitoring and test routines
  • Performance configurable in case of a fault
  • Quick boot-up and short fault detection time
  • High-performance CAN interface for various communication tasks

ecomatController 8...32 V 32 16
SafetyController CR7032
Product designation Operating voltage DC Number of digital inputs Number of analog inputs Number of relay outputs
SafetyController 8...32 V 16 16
 ecomatController CR720S
 Product designation Operating voltage DC Number of digital inputs Number of analog inputs Number of relay outputs
ecomatController 8...32 V 60  24
ecomatController CR721S
Product designation Operating voltage DC Number of digital inputs Number of analog inputs Number of relay outputs
 ecomatController 8...32 V 68 24 -
ecomatController CR710S
Product designation Operating voltage DC Number of digital inputs Number of analog inputs Number of relay outputs
ecomatController  8...32 V 20 8 -
SafetyController CR7132
Product designation  Operating voltage DC Number of digital inputs  Number of analog inputs  Number of relay outputs
SafetyController 8...32 V 32 32 -

Safety controllers for mobile machines

The powerful, freely programmable 32-bit SafetyControllers are designed for use in harsh conditions. They are suitable for direct installation in vehicles and mobile machines using the on-board system. Thanks to special integrated hardware and software functions for safety-related tasks, these controllers can be used as safety controllers.
Hardware and software have been certified by the German TÜV association. The programmable, layered error handling feature ('Keep Alive') enables the SafetyController to switch off in case of a serious fault and bring the plant into a safe state. In case of less serious errors however, parts of the plant in previously defined areas can still be used. Not all components have to be switched off. The behaviour of the inputs and outputs can be adapted to the application easily and precisely using the CODESYS programming software.


ifm AS-i gateways with fail-safe PLC

image AS-i gateways with fail-safe PLC
  • With integrated fieldbus interface and fail-safe PLC
  • Reliable and fast data exchange with the sensor actuator level
  • Color display for indicating the status of all AS-i slaves
  • User-friendly and simple configuration, set-up and diagnosis
  • Quick-setup menu with intuitive operation

Applicable products: 2

AS-i EtherNet/IP gateway with safe preprocessing AC422S
AS-i EtherNet/IP gateway with safe preprocessing
AS-i PROFINET gateway with safe preprocessing AC402S

AS-Interface gateways with fail-safe PLC

AS-i gateways with integrated PLC function control the data exchange to the sensor/actuator level and communicate rapidly with the superior control level. They can be used as independent, decentralised controllers or as gateways to all common fieldbus systems. The range includes interfaces to EtherNet/IP and PROFINET, among others.
The devices consist of two PLCs in one housing. While one PLC solves safety-related tasks, the second PLC operates as a standard PLC. Both PLCs communicate with each other, so that the entire plant control including safety functions and visualisations can be implemented with only one master.
The fail-safe PLC is certified for use in safety-related applications up to SIL3, PL e. The unit features safe local inputs and outputs. Convenient diagnostic functions such as a status display for safe I/Os and an error memory with time stamp for messages facilitate troubleshooting and decrease downtime.
Thanks to the colour display, the status of all AS-i slaves can be checked locally at a glance. Sensor/actuator data can also be visualised via the integrated WEB server.
The powerful PLCs are easily programmed via CODESYS.

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