HIWIN E2 Self-Lubricant Ballscrew

HIWIN E2 Self-Lubricant Ballscrew

HIWIN E2 Self-Lubricant Ballscrew
Cost savings
The E2 series saves cost by eliminating pipingjoint systems, change and waste disposal, and byreducing oil purchases.
Greatly extends the maintenance period
The E2 series will supply proper lubrication forlong periods of time extending the maintenanceperiod.
Easy maintenance
The special construction of the E2 design requiresno tools to replace the oil cartridge. There is nodisassembly required when adding the E2 option.
Ideal lubrication position
The lubrication point is located inside the ball nutallowing for the lubrication to be firmly appliedonto the ball tracks.
Effortless and flexible installation
The lubrication performs properly in everydirection so there are no restrictions wheninstalling the E2.
Clean and environmentally friendly
Prevents oil leakage, making the E2 the idealsolution for clean room environments.
Interchangeable oil selection
The replaceable oil cartridge can be refilled withany approved lubrication oil.
Applications for special environments
The lubrication oil can be combined with greasefor better results, especially in dusty, dirty, or wetenvironments.
-Machine tools

-Industrial machinery : printing machine, paperprocessingmachine, automatic machine, textilemachine, cutting and grinding machines, etc.

-Electronic machinery : robots, measuringequipment, X-Y tables, etc.

-Miscellaneous: medical equipment, factoryautomation equipment, etc.
Technical Information EN
Installation Guide EN

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