ifm Safety Network AS-i safety at work

Industrial communication

ifm Safety Network (AS-i safety at work)

  • Monitoring of up to 31 safe AS-i slaves
  • Applications: door monitoring, light curtains, e-stop, two-hand control
  • Safe AS-i modules for field applications and control cabinets
  • Safe AS-i door switches with guard locking and guard lock monitoring

AS-i gateways with fail-safe PLC Safety monitors
ifm AS-i gateways with fail-safe PLC
ifm Safety monitors
Safe input/output modules Operating elements
ifm Safe input/output modules
ifm Operating elements
Safe AS-i door switches Safety rope emergency stop switch
ifm Safe AS-i door switches
ifm Safety rope emergency stop switch
PCB solutions   
ifm PCB solutions

ifm AS-i gateways with fail-safe PLC

image AS-i gateways with fail-safe PLC

Applicable products: 2

   Product designation
AS-i EtherNet/IP gateway with safe preprocessing AC422S
AS-i EtherNet/IP gateway with safe preprocessing
   Product designation
AS-i PROFINET gateway with safe preprocessing AC402S
AC402S AS-i PROFINET gateway with safe preprocessing

Gateways with fail-safe PLC

AS-i gateways with integrated PLC function control the data exchange to the sensor/actuator level and communicate rapidly with the superior control level. They can be used as independent, decentralised controllers or as gateways to all common fieldbus systems. The range includes interfaces to EtherNet/IP and PROFINET, among others.
The devices consist of two PLCs in one housing. While one PLC solves safety-related tasks, the second PLC operates as a standard PLC. Both PLCs communicate with each other, so that the entire plant control including safety functions and visualisations can be implemented with only one master.
The fail-safe PLC is certified for use in safety-related applications up to SIL3, PL e. The unit features safe local inputs and outputs. Convenient diagnostic functions such as a status display for safe I/Os and an error memory with time stamp for messages facilitate troubleshooting and decrease downtime.
Thanks to the colour display, the status of all AS-i slaves is recognizable at a single glance. Sensor/actuator data can also be visualised via the integrated WEB server.
The powerful PLCs are easily programmed via CODESYS.

ifm Safety monitors

image Safety monitors
  • Various logic functions
  • Monitoring of up to 31 safe AS-i slaves
  • Applications: door monitoring, light curtains, e-stop, two-hand control
  • Two OSSDs which can be switched off separately from each other
  • TÜV approval to EN 954-1 and IEC 61508
Applicable products: 2

  Product designation
AS-i safety monitor AC041S
AS-i safety monitor
   Product designation
Safe contact extension E7053S
E7053S Safe contact extension

Monitors, PLCs and gateways

AS-i safety monitors are used to monitor protective equipment such as E-stops in AS-i systems.
They monitor the code sequences to be transmitted in the AS-i network. In the case of message deviations or timeouts the monitor ensures the safe state of the system.
The unit is available in two versions: with either one or two redundantly designed output switching elements. It can be connected to the AS-i system at any position. Several AS-i safety monitors can be operated via one AS-i master. Any grouping for evaluation of the safe AS-i slaves is possible.
Known safety relay functions like "E-stop", "stop categories 0 or 1", "two-hand operation" or "enable switch" can be implemented via the software. One AS-i safety monitor thus replaces many traditional safety relays.

ifm Safe input/output modules

image Safe input/output modules
  • Safe AS-i modules for field applications and control cabinets
  • Integration of safety-related components in AS-i
  • Connection of safe mechanical and transistor inputs
  • Three selectable directions of the flat cable mounting
  • Certification to EN 62061 / SIL3 and EN ISO 13849-1 / PL e

Applicable products: 8

  Product designation
AS-i input/output module AC508S
AS-i input/output module
   Product designation
AS-i input/output module AC507S
AC507S AS-i input/output module
   Product designation
AS-i input module AC505S
 AC505S AS-i input module
   Product designation
Safe active AS-i output module AC030S
Safe active AS-i output module
   Product designation
   Product designation
AS-i PCB E7015S
E7015S  AS-i PCB
AS-i input/output module AC509S  AC509S  AS-i input/output module
   Product designation
AS-i input/output module AC506S AC506S
AS-i input/output module

Safe input/output modules

Safe AS-i modules detect safety-related switching states of 1- or 2-channel E-stops, position switches or door contacts. Using the safe input module safety-related components without integrated AS-i interface can be connected to the AS-i system.
The units comply with the applicable international standard requirements for safety technology. They detect and signal short circuits, cross faults and communication errors. The switching states of the inputs and outputs, the voltage supply and potential faults are indicated by powerful LEDs on the module.
The product range includes ClassicLine modules with screw or quick mounting technology for field use and SmartLine modules for control cabinet installation.

ifm Operating elements

image Operating elements
  • Illuminated E-STOP with integrated AS-i connection
  • Integrated safe AS-i PCBs
  • Integration of the AS-i slaves in a surface mounting housing

Applicable products: 4

  Product designation
illuminated E-STOP with integrated AS-i connection AC010S
    Product designation
Illuminated E-STOP E7007S E7007S
   Product designation
 Safe AS-i E-STOP operating unit with integrated AS-i connection AC012S AC012S
Safe AS-i E-STOP operating unit with integrated AS-i connection
  Product designation
 key-release E-STOP with integrated AS-i connection AC011S AC011S 
key-release E-STOP with integrated AS-i connection

Operating elements

The safe mushroom-headed E-stop buttons with AS-Interface force a machine or installation to stop or shut down in a hazardous situation. The integrated AS-i connection allows integration of the E-stop devices into safe AS-i systems (Safety at Work). Depending on the type, a pull or key is required to release a previously triggered E-stop.

ifm Safe AS-i door switches

image Safe AS-i door switches
  • Power-to-lock and power-to-unlock versions available
  • Rotatable actuating head made of metal
  • Mechanical release on the front
  • Space-saving design
  • Suited for applications up to Performance Level PL d

Applicable products: 8

  Product designation
Safety switch with guard locking AC904S
AC904S Safety switch with guard locking
  Product designation
Actuator S standard straight E7903S
E7903S Actuator S standard straight
  Product designation
Hinged actuator left / right E7905S
Hinged actuator left / right
  Product designation
Safety switch with guard locking AC902S
AC902S Safety switch with guard locking
   Product designation
Actuator S standard bent E7904S
Actuator S standard bent
     Product designation
Safety switch with guard locking AC903S
Safety switch with guard locking
   Product designation
Safety switch with guard locking AC901S
AC901S Safety switch with guard locking
   Product designation
Hinged actuator top / bottom E7906S
E7906S Hinged actuator top / bottom

Safe AS-i door switches

AS-i door switches with guard locking have the function to keep moving protective equipment such as protective grating, protective guards and other covers closed as long as a dangerous state is present. They are used in safe AS-i systems (Safety at Work) and operate as electromagnetic interlocks with guard locking.
In combination with a guard and the machine control system this safety component prevents the safety guard from being opened while there is potential of exposure to a mechanical hazard. For the control system this means that switch-on commands which cause hazardous situations must become active only when the safety guard is in a protective position and the guard locking in locked position. The locked position of the guard locking must be released only when the hazardous situation is no longer present.

ifm Safety rope emergency stop switch

image Safety rope emergency stop switch
  • Reliable protection of extensive hazardous areas
  • For use on conveyor belts
  • Robust design for use in harsh industrial environments
  • Easy setting of the rope tension
  • Integration into AS-i networks

Applicable products: 17

  Product designation
safety spring ZB0061
safety spring
  Product designation
rope tension kit ZB0056
ZB0056 rope tension kit
   Product designation
rope tension kit ZB0056 ZB0055 rope tension kit 
   Product designation
rope tension kit ZB0056 ZB0054 rope tension kit
   Product designation
rope tension kit ZB0056 ZB0057 rope tension kit
  Product designation
 pulley ZB0062 ZB0062 pulley
   Product designation
rope tension kit ZB0060
ZB0060  rope tension kit
   Product designation
 Safety rope emergency stop switch ZB0050 ZB0050
Safety rope emergency stop switch
  Product designation
Safety rope emergency stop switch ZB0051
ZB0051 Safety rope emergency stop switch
  Product designation
Safety rope emergency stop switch ZB0052
ZB0052 Safety rope emergency stop switch
   Product designation
Safety rope emergency stop switch ZB0053
ZB0053 Safety rope emergency stop switch
  Product designation
rope tension kit ZB0059
ZB0059 rope tension kit
  Product designation
Safety rope emergency stop switch ZB0070
ZB0070 Safety rope emergency stop switch
  Product designation
Safety rope emergency stop switch ZB0071 ZB0071 Safety rope emergency stop switch
   Product designation
Safety rope emergency stop switch ZB0072 ZB0072
Safety rope emergency stop switch
Product designation
Safety rope emergency stop switch ZB0073
ZB0073 Safety rope emergency stop switch
   Product designation
Safety rope emergency stop switch ZB0075
ZB0075 Safety rope emergency stop switch

Safety rope emergency stop switches

Safety rope emergency stop switches are often used in conveyor belt systems to secure large danger areas. Pulling the tensioned rope, rope breakage or impact on the E-stop cause activation of the switching function of the safety rope emergency stop switch. After activation of the E-stop function a clip mechanism maintains the E-stop command until it is unlocked manually by pressing the blue reset button.
Reset is only possible with correct rope tension.
The rope tension is adjusted directly on the safety rope e-stop switch. The switch features a rope tension indicator to facilitate adjustment, troubleshooting and maintenance.
Using AS-i PCBs, rope switches, belt drift switches and other switches can be integrated into AS-i systems. If needed, this can also be safety-related (Safety at Work).

ifm PCB solutions

image PCB solutions
  • For installation in small housings, control cabinets and operator panels
  • Simple and fast wiring by means of wire strands
  • Space-saving design
  • For the safe integration of E-STOPS in AS-i networks
  • With output for triggering an LED light indicator

Applicable products: 2

Product designation
  Product designation
AS-i PCB E7015S
E7015S AS-i PCB

AS-Interface Safety at Work – PCB solutions

AS-i PCBs can be installed in small housings, control cabinets and panels. Some of the PCBs are fully potted and can be integrated into surface mounting enclosures, e.g. for installation of illuminated pushbutton modules.

With the help of AS-i PCBs mechanical switches can be integrated into AS-i networks. They combine the functionality of the switches with the easy installation of AS-i.

AS-Interface Safety at Work

AS-Interface is a simple and economic wiring system for the first level of industrial communication. An AS-Interface network consists of a control unit, the so-called master, the modules for signal processing, and the associated sensors and actuators.
Safety components can easily be incorporated into an AS-i network via AS-Interface Safety at Work. Signals from standard units and safe components are transmitted via a common cable.
The fail-safe AS-i PLC is certified for use in safety-related applications up to SIL3, PL e.
AS-i safety monitors are used to monitor safety components in AS-i systems. They monitor the code sequences to be transmitted in the AS-i network. In the case of message deviations or timeouts the monitor ensures the safe state of the system.
Safe AS-i modules detect safety-related switching states of 1- or 2-channel E-stops, position switches or door contacts. Using the safe input module safety-related components without integrated AS-i interface can be connected to the AS-i system.

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