System Operation Manual


Status Monitor LED

1. LED Display
IndicationColorFunctionLighting Condition
PWR Green Power Input Indication Lighting When Power is On
INP Yellow Complete positioning motion Lights On when Positioning error reaches within the preset pulse selected by rotaty switch
SON Orange Servo On / Off Indication · Servo On : Lights On
· Servo Off : Lights Off
ALM Red Alarm Indication Flash when protection function is activated (Identifiable which protection mode is activated by counting the blinking times)
2. Protection functions and LED flash times
1 Over Current Error Excessive current flowed into a motor
2 Over Speed Error Motor speed exceed 3,000[rpm]
3 Position Tracking Error Position error value is higher than 90˚ in motor run state
4 Over Load Error The motor is continuously operated more than 5 second under a load exceeding the max. torque
5 Over Temperature Error Inside temperature of drive exceeds 85℃
6 Over Regenerated Voltage Error Back-EMF more high limit value*1
7 Motor Connection Error The power is ON without connection of the motor cable to drive
8 Encoder Connect Error Cable connection error with Encoder connector in drive
10 In-Position Error After operation is finished, a position error occurs
11 System Error Error occurs in drive system
12 ROM Error Error occurs in parameter storage device(ROM)
15 Position Overflow Error Position error value is higher than 90˚ in motor stop state
  • * 1 : Voltage limit of Back-EMF depends on motor model.
  • ※ Please refer to the manual.
Alarm LED flash
(Ex : Position Tracking Error)


1. Input / Output Signal Connector(CN 1)
1 CW+(Pulse+) Input
2 CW-(Pulse-) Input
3 CCW+(Dir+) Input
4 CCW-(Dir-) Input
5 A+ Output
6 A- Output
7 B+ Output
8 B- Output
9 Z+ Output
10 Z- Output
11 Alarm Output
12 In-Position Output
13 Servo On / Off Input
14 Alarm Reset Input
15 NC -
16 BRAKE+ Output
17 BRAKE- Output
18 S-GND Output
19 24VDC GND Input
20 24VDC Input
※ There is no BRAKE function for 86mm motor drive.
2. Encoder Connector(CN 2)
1 A+ Input
2 A- Input
3 B+ Input
4 B- Input
5 Z+ Input
6 Z- Input
7 5VDC Output
8 5VDC GND Output
9 F. GND -
10 F. GND -
3. Motor Connector(CN 3)

· Drive

1 A Phase
2 B Phase
3 / A Phase
4 / B Phase

· 86mm Motor Drive

1 / B Phase
2 B Phase
3 / A Phase
4 A Phase

4. Power Connector(CN 4)

· Drive

1 24VDC ±10%

· 86mm Motor Drive

2 40 ~ 70VDC



1. Pulse Input Selection Switch(SW 1.1)
IndicationSwitch NameFunction
2P/1P Selecting Pulse Input Mode 1-Pulse Input Mode or 2-Pulse Input Mode
· ON : 1-Pulse Input Mode
· OFF : 2-Pulse Input Mode
※ Default : 2-Pulse Mode
2. Rotational Direction Selection Switch(SW 1.2)
IndicationSwitch NameFunction
DIR Switching Rotational Direction Based on CW(+Dir signal) input to drive.
· ON : CCW(-Direction)
· OFF : CW(+Direction)
※ Default : CW mode

CCW Direction
Direction selection switch : ON

CW Direction
Direction selection switch : OFF

3. Resolution Selection Switch(SW 3)

The Number of pulse per revolution. .

0 500*1
1 500
2 1,000
3 1,600
4 2,000
5 3,600
6 5,000
7 6,400
8 7,200
9 10,000*2
  • * 1 : Voltage limit of Back-EMF depends on motor model.
  • * 2 : Default = 10,000
4. Position Controller Gain Selection Switch(SW 2)
The Position Controller Gain Switch allows for the correction of the motor position deviation after stopping caused by load and friction. Depending on the motor load, the user may have to select a different gain position to stabilize and to correct positional error quickly.


Set the
switch to
'0' position


Start to rotate
the switch
until system
becomes stable.


Rotate the switch
+/- 1~2
position to
reach better

PositionTime Constant of the Integral partProportional Gain*1
0 1 1
1 1 2
2 1 3
3*2 1 4
4 1 5
5 1 6
6 2 1
7 2 2
8 2 3
9 2 4
A 2 5
B 3 1
C 3 2
D 3 3
E 3 4
F 3 5
  • * 1 : Value in the columns are in relative units. They only show the parameter changes depending on the switch’s position.
  • * 2 : Default = 3.
5. In-Position Value Setting Switch(SW 4)

To select the output condition of In-position signal. In-position output signal is generated when the pulse number of positional error is lower than selected In-position value set by this switch after positioning command is executed.


PositionIn-Position Value [Pulse]
Fast Response
0*1 0
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
PositionIn-Position Value [Pulse]
Accurate Response
8 0
9 1
A 2
B 3
C 4
D 5
E 6
F 7
  • * 1 : Default = 0.
  • ※ Please refer to User Manual for setup.
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