ST Feature


S-SERVO II adopted closed loop stepping motor system which perfectly resolves the problems of open loop control stepping motor system such as Step Out and Positioning Completion Check. Regardless of motor type(2 Phase, 5 Phase), position precision only related to encoder so High Precision Positioning is always possible. Existing step drive can be heated easily because of constant current goes into the motor regardless of loads. However S-SERVO II controls the current according to the load, so it can reduce the heat of the motor and save Energy Usage. In addition, the Torque and the Acc / Dec characteristics can be improved significantly by Run Current setting(Up to 150%).
1. Completely Free from the Concern of Loss of Position(Alarm will be generated when step out)
Because of mounted encoder constantly monitor the current position, step out cannot be occurred. If step out occurred by external force of overloads, alarm signal will be sent to upper controller. Thus, upper controller can recognize step out of step motor.
2. Perfect Positioning Completion Check(Positioning completion signal will be generated)
When motor stops at the goal position, encoder detect it and send positioning completion signal to upper controller. Therefore S-SERVO resolve the problem of unclear positioning of current Open Loop System
3. Position Precision is Only Related to Encoder
S-SERVO II ST controls position by using high precision of encoder. Regardless of motor type (2 Phase or 5 Phase), S-SERVO II ST position precision is only related to mounted encoder resolution so high precision of positioning is possible unlike open loop micro step motor and drive which adapts 2 Phase or 5 Phase motor.
4. Reduce the motor temperature and energy saving(Current control in proportion to the load)
S-SERVO II ST controls the motor current in proportion to the load automatically.
5. Improvement of torque by adjusting the RUN current(Max. 150%)
By adjusting the run current by changing the parameter, characteristic of torque and acceleration /deceleration can be improved and, accordingly, optimal operation condition can be matched with this function.
6. Complete Stop
It completely stop when motor stops so hunting cannot be occurred. It is suitable for high speed inspection equipment using vision.
7. Variety of Protection Functions and Alarm Signal
Drive and equipment can be protected by the alarm (11 kinds) of such as motor connection error, encoder connection error etc.
8. High Torque and High Speed
S-SERVO II ST detect current position by encoder feedback so can keep the high torque against the 100% loads and high speed. Current Open Loop System cannot drive against 100% loads because of false operation by step out.
9. Variety of Position Command Unit
According to the purpose of usage, S-SERVO II ST offer 16 stage (500~50,000[ppr]) of position command unit.
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